Shortcut keys on eJOY GO’s videos


How to see Shortcut key list

On eJOY Go’s videos, you can use shortcut keys to quickly go back/forward, loop a subtitle, slow down and do more. To access the shortcut key list, click Settings and choose Shortcut key list.

Shortcut key list

Below is a list of current shortcut keys. (The description and shortcut keys in the picture might not match the list below if we are working on some changes. (Cialis) Please refer to the list for more accuracy.)

A or ⬅ : Go to the previous subtitle

D or ➡ : Go to the next subtitle

E or C: Show/hide subtitle

P: Play/Pause

S: Slower speed

R: Start recording (in Speak game)

Ctrl + L: Repeat the current subtitle sentence once

0: Go to the beginning of the video

L: Loop (listen again and again) the current subtitle sentence

Shift + 1: Mark the starting point of a longer loop

Shift + 2: Mark the ending point of a longer loop

Shift + 3: Turn on/ turn off the Loop feature

Shift + P: Turn on Loop

F: Ful screen mode

⬆ : Volume up

⬇ : Volume down

M: Mute/unmute